Canon Green Court is a 1960s high rise apartment block with a low rise 2 storey apartment block Westmister House alongside. Situated half a mile from Manchester City Centre. In 2018 Salix Homes comissioned Costorphine and Wright to refurbish the exisiting apartments and develope proposals for new a new build apartment block on Blackfriars Road. as the project developed discussions with Salford Planinng department highlighted the need for a green frontage along BlackfrIars Road and a refurbushemnt of the exisitng landscape to create a connection between the exisitng community and the new residents in the new build apartment block.

General arrangement plan

Existing site before works

Frontage tree planting along Blackfriars Road frontage

Tree pit installation using arbor raft system

Link space to rear of new build apartments

Courtyard details


Rear entrance to Canon Green Court with residents seating area

Residents growing area with herb beds and trained apple trees